Papers for Planning application 2020/0260/DET Formation of new footpath and installation of viewing tower and platforms at Trossachs Pier Up To The Roderick Dhu Watch Tower, Trossachs Pier, Loch Katrine.
A Hearing is required in certain cases to allow enhanced scrutiny of planning issues where applications are significant or complex, as well as providing openness and transparency in planning decisions. Hearings are aimed at making the planning system more inclusive,…
The decision to undertake a site visit will only be made by the Planning Committee, after an initial consideration of the relevant issues. Site visits will normally take place on the morning of the next scheduled meeting of the Planning…
This leaflet sets out how applicants, contributors, Community Councils and other organisations can make a verbal representation on applications which are presented to the Planning & Access Committee Meetings. This is in addition to previously submitted written representations on planning…